Yoga is so much more than the physical postures you see, hear about or practice yourself. The movements are just one of 8 limbs of yoga, laid out in the ancient yoga scripture " The Yoga Sutras", which was written in 400 CE by Hindu sage, Patanjali. These 8 components have stood the test of time as a step-by-step guide to achieving a more blissful and harmonious life.
The 8 limbs of yoga are:
1. Yamas: Our ethics relating to others
Ahimsa: Kindness or non-harming
Satya: Truthfulness
Asteya: Non-stealing
Brahmacharya: Moderating the senses
Aparigraha: Non attachment or possesiveness
2. Niyamas: Our virtues relating to ourselves
Saucha: Cleanliness or purity
Santosha: Contentment
Tapas: Self-discipline or perseverance
Svadyaya: Self-study
Isvara Pranidana: Surrender to a higher power
3. Asana: Postures
4. Pranayama: Breath regulation
5. Pratyahara: Drawing our senses inward
6. Dharana: Concentration or focus
7. Dhyana: Reflection or meditation
8. Samadhi: Union, bliss, harmony... The ultimate goal of yoga
Can you already think of ways these simple teachings can be applied to your daily life? In my following articles I will be looking at one at a time, to help bring these teachings up to date so they are applicable and helpful in our modern, hectic (and sometimes stressful) daily lives.
Claire x